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455 83k The Surprising Truth About Your Netflix Account

455 83K: The Surprising Truth About Your Netflix Account

What's Inside Your Account?

In a recent study, it was found that the average Netflix account contains 455 83K worth of content. This includes movies, TV shows, documentaries, and even stand-up specials. But what's really surprising is that most people only watch a small fraction of this content.

Why You're Not Watching More

There are a few reasons why you're not watching more of the content on your Netflix account. First, there's simply too much to choose from. With so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. Second, the Netflix algorithm is designed to show you content that you're likely to enjoy. This can lead to a narrow viewing experience, where you only watch the same types of shows and movies over and over again. Third, you may simply not have the time to watch more Netflix. With busy schedules and other commitments, it can be hard to find the time to sit down and watch a movie or TV show.
